“is everybody going crazy”
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{029} URGH
Friday, May 27, 2011 || 10:46 AM
I don't know what's wrong with me this year, I totally screwed myself over. I ALWAYS screw up, and it never changes, it's quite frustrating. I mean, at this point, I'm actually usually freaking out and what not, but no, here I am typing up this blog post. Just goes to show what's going through my mind now that I know we have about two weeks left to hand in things. I don't know where the year went, I can't remember half the things I spent doing and UGH.
Next year, I can't screw up. I say that every year, so how much I mean it this time I don't know.
{028} Hi Lola, how are you doing?
Sunday, May 22, 2011 || 10:45 PM
Taken 2007 via Ate MaricelLola,
You're probably looking down at me thinking that I should go to sleep. Believe me, I tried but to no avail. Instead, I though of writing you a short letter. I wrote something of a letter to Lolo not too long ago. I wish he could read it, same as I wish you could read this. First off, I miss you and Lolo both very much, and there's so much I wish I could have said to the both of you whenever I had the chance. True, the physical distance between us was great, and we were only able to see each other every how so many years, and even then, it all depended on how much money we were able to shell out. Nonetheless, the distance between us emotionally and spiritually was never too far. If someone else were reading this, they would probably think I was a nutcase, but it's true.
You were (and still are) always there for me when I'm most troubled. I still remember our special talk when my family and I had gone to the Philippines back in 2005 for the retreat. I had my hopes up, thinking that by the end of our trip, you would be coming back home with us. I remember you telling me how much you wished you were able to, and how you wanted to see our house here in Canada. You told me to work hard, study hard, and always do my best and to have faith in all that I do. You never missed a chance to tell me that you loved me, and now here I am wishing I had thought more of it. I had taken it all for granted without really meaning to.
Have you seen the lilies growing in your garden? Lolo sure had a green thumb, I wish I could see it in real life. Here's a picture that Ate Maricel took:

Doesn't it look beautiful?
I have much more I'd love to tell you, but that can be saved for the next time we can talk. But I want to tell you about a dream I had two nights ago, you might know about it. I was walking in a garden, admiring the plants that flourished in the warm temperature, the sun beating down on them. It's odd how vivid this dream was, yet I can't remember why I was in a garden to be honest. Then I remember seeing two white butterflies, resting on my arm. Normally, I would've flinched or jumped because I'm not quite a bug-friendly person. But there was something comforting about them, and then they flew away.
I remember when I woke up, I could still remember clearly how they had flown away. It was then that I remember Ate Maricel mentioning something about a butterfly, and how it was like a reassurance that you and Lolo were doing well. I don't know if this was meant to happen on purpose or if my dream was just another dream, but I'd like to have a sense of reassurance as well.
I've come to accept certain things in my life that I wish would never happen again, just so that I can live life with no regrets. Sadly, I do still carry around a few and I do what I can to come to terms with them. One of the most painful regrets I have to carry is not being able to be there with either of you at the time when you most needed your family. I'm sorry for not going with my Mom to see you again, I'm sorry for not calling more to talk to you, I'm sorry for taking your lives for granted. I was stupid enough to continue believing that my Grandparents would stick around forever, making the reality of it all hurt even more.
I'm living life now, looking at things differently, trying to keep my head up even when the times are far from great. You've taught me a lot, despite not being around with me physically. But somehow, you were ever present in my life, and I'm grateful for the time that I was given to be with you.
Thanks Lola, I really appreciate it.
Love always,
{027} "LOVE" + BABY :D OMG
Friday, May 20, 2011 || 8:21 PM
Title doesn't make sense? While taking a break from units, I made a very crappy gif:

'Tis all.
|| 9:47 AM
I'm taking this much better than you think. And like I just told you, if you were a regular sized human being, I would pummel you for your decision, but because you are not a regular sized human being, I cannot, for fear that you will go to your doctor's appointment with injuries.
{025} Hmm...
Thursday, May 19, 2011 || 7:26 PM
Okay, so I just ordered 2 2NE1 buttons from
KPOP ROYALTY GOODS and I'm not sure if it was a smart investment. I'm usually very cheap when it comes to buying things, but lately, I've been shelling out money...okay, not on just anything - I've been shelling out money for food usually. ALRIGHT, not even usually, that's ALL I've been shelling out money for. It's not healthy or good, but it's FOOD, COME ON. Anyway, I got those two buttons, and I have yet to send out the payment.
I really do think that I care for 2NE1 more than I say I do. I may not be a rabid fangirl, or openly obsessive, or even diehard, but I do like these girls a lot. Although I question the direction they chose to take with their
To Anyone album, I do find that I like listening to their songs as much as I like listening to the other artists and bands that I keep on my iPod. Sure, I have a soft spot for, say, other groups, but the music generated from KPop isn't something I'd listen to repeatedly. Sad to say, I probably only like a handful of groups for both music and general persona.
This is also weird but for a while, 2NE1 and Big Bang have shared the number one spot in my books for a while (in terms of my favourite KPop group), though I do still say Big Bang is and was always my only number one. But I suppose 2NE1 is slowly reaching for that title , which isn't a bad thing. I'll admit, I'm hugely YG biased, but I'm not an elitist of any sort.
This was a random rant/ramble thing. I think I post more here than I do on Livejournal...and I think I've already mentioned this a couple times. In any case, it's much more accessible, but that's not to say I don't use Livejournal anymore. On the contrary, I still check it regularly, even if I don't post.
S'all from me, tata.
{024} Dear Beloved Ningning...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 || 7:07 AM

You know I love you to pieces, but this isn't healthy dawg. I can tell you really want to send a message to him, but honestly, I don't think that's a smart decision. I'm sure he's having a hard time too, but the best thing you can do is give him space, just like how he's giving you your space. Take your time to recover a little, sort out your feelings, or just cry it all out. You know that we're here for you, and I'm even willing to have our oompa-loompa sleepover date at a moment's notice...or maybe not right away, just because of stupid units.
Anyway, I don't know if this is going to sound like bullshit to you, and I don't even know if what I'm saying is the right thing to say, but bbgurl I got yo' back, ya dig?
Kim The Great
Have another GIF - it'll make you feel less angry: